Sunday, June 12, 2005

UT State Crit

Has been good to WattageTraining Clients and RMCC ( as well.

Curt Doman was within a half a wheel of doubling his Utah State Champion
Status, taking second in the cat5s.

Colgan with 13th and Klonizos with 15th in the cat4s.

Kelly Jones with 8th in the Masters35+.

And David Blades, just off the podium with 4th in the cat3s.

Tomorrow's TT should be as producive...


Wednesday, June 08, 2005

We've been busy...

But we will be more active starting now...

We have had a great year so far, including having our juniors win a NRC
crit, a New Utah State Champion, a cat3 track upgrade and it is only June.

More great things to come,


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If you have any questions or comment, we would love to hear from you.

We are based in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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Wattage Training
P.O. Box 581183
Salt Lake City, UT 84158

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