Monday, August 28, 2006


After much time and frustration, my SRM Torque Analysis is fully functional!

I say much time and frustration as I have spent some time in getting this to work. So a little background.

Some time ago I sold my SRM Pro to get a one off FSA SRM in Science spec (thanks again Uli!). But not wanting to run said unit for CX and a few other conditions, I was on the lookout for another Pro unit. I found another coach selling his and it was too good to pass up - it had EVERY option in the PowerController you could order: Torque Analysis, Online, external stop button.

So I got it.

I got the online to work very easily. But TA has been a struggle ever since. I tried a USB to LPT1 port adapter (actually, started with a bluetooth to LPT1, then USB) but to no avail. Then I purchased a computer with a motherboard LPT1 to try and solve that problem (with the added benefit of dedicating it to SRM Online/Computrainer usage). Didn't do it.

And for the most part it dropped off my radar as a later in time project...

And then I saw Mark Ewer's Blog post (here and here) about TA and that got me motivated to solve it....

Mark doesn't actually have TA on his unit... if you do have TA, then the back of the unit looks something like this:

But my dead ends prompted me to call SRM CO again today (man I think they might be getting sick of me) which lead to an interesting discovery.... TA won't run on the emulated MSDOS of XP (my problem all along)!!!

So a quick google got me a bootable DOS CD... but still I couldn't access the TA program on C: (which lead to the d'oh moment of "Greg, you formatted C as ntfs you numb nut of course you can't see it in dos which doesn't know what ntfs is!). So a quick copy of the PTnew.exe to a new bootable CD and viola!


As one can see the CX bike is already on the trainer and I will have to start playing with the TA. Any suggestions are welcome on what to do with it...Lindsay has some ideas)

All for tonight (shocking double post day!)


p.s. in classic ST form I apologize for the wallpaper in the background... it is being painted in the next month...

ACKNOLEDGEMENTS: special thanks to

Colin for the touch-screen montior - the bomb on the CT/SRM Online setup

Christophe (hope I spelled that right) for setting me straight on DOS

Scott for the cheap Dell

Leslie for putting up with my phone calls...

so I have been consistant, but not here...

past three days with three climbs - millcreek friday, emmigration solo on sat and with Jess sunday.

still slow and heavy (192#s today) but with 25 weeks to VOS, hopefully w/kg will go from 2.99 today to 4.59 by then...with a nice 3.96 at the tail end of CX season...

oh, yeah, cx is coming. running (ugh) and cx bike riding. I fixed up the cx bike so far, but a few more changes coming. removing one of the pauls levers (really only need one) and mounting the PCV onto the handlebars this year.

photos to come...


Sunday, August 06, 2006


100TSS rolling 7d average. Crossed today. Feels good. Means fitness is coming, now for that whole kg thing...

The TM for is at the left...

Need to plan beyond the next two weeks... and after the 3 days of zeros, the running begins (my only dislike about cross - the damn cross training!)...

So can I GOVSS score the run and equate a GOVSS to a TSS number? Anyone?


P.S. Still behind on the TM, but catching up to the curve... interesting how HARD it is to catch up (less easy days or more hard required to be where you planned to be!)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


well, while not posting every day, I have gotten better. No photo today, but the TM is looking good. I am still a bit behind because of a few unplanned days off, but perhaps if Michael comes out this weekend, we can pop some 200-300TSS rides out and get ahead of the curve.

FWIW, I did 2x~20s tuesday outside for the first time in a LONG time (be on the erg for so muchtime). It felt good, and even with the turnaround(s), traffic etc, Pave ~= Pnorm and that was 10w over target, which is such a good thing...

more soon - saltair tomorrow, babysitter in place... maybe some good #s there.


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