Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I think I am going to rename the blog...

to "confessions of an indoor cyclist"


I haven't ridden outside since xmas vacation in TX (and it makes me miss two hour rides in the rain @ 70 degrees!).


Tonight - quasiSST:



And with an invite to Cali, that is going to be hard to pass up.  Hason has been talking about Gibralter for as long as he has been living there, and despite several trips into his hood, not one of them did I have a bike with me.  Mr. Brown and his boys will be out there and I haven't seen him since he became the first of us to have critters.  I believe day two is planned for 85k with 10k vertical... sounds good... hmmm gotta get out the sea level calculator...


I also have the opportunity to go into thetubee if I go, so perhaps that makes it doubley worth it... especially since "our" governing body can't make up it's friggin mind if the hooker is legal or not.


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