Wednesday, June 27, 2007

4 Device Ride

Yesterday I hooked the kids to the trailer, and dragged it to and around Sugarhouse Park.


It is more of a data collecting experiment for me (as I am about to take the <gasp> SRM off the bike to test a crankset).



The ibike wasn't calibrated to the trailer weight and costdown, but still did surpisingly well considering.


The Ptap had some drop outs which I think are either the sharkfin is too close or the edge was dislodging the ptap head from the cradle.


The edge is far from perfect as the altitue profile of the three laps of sugarhouse show slightly different profiles.


Take a look for yourself:









Draw your own conclusions but I will offer up a little more analysis on data that is a little better prepared (no drop outs, calibrated ibike etc).




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