Monday, December 03, 2007

Back up and running full speed ahead...

So now it is December and with that the end of the UTCX season.  The first time in a long time the CX season has come and gone with a single race for myself.


Blame the granuloma for that one, but it seems to have resolved itself and this week I have ridden the rollers everyday since my last outdoor ride.  Including twice yesterday.




The Computrainer will be fixed tomorrow when the stand clamp arrives via UPS.


Then some of the testing gets rolling again (crankarm length, drop pedals etc).


The Utah Coaching Group is set to meet soon, guess they tried to get me to present tonight, but since I had no pc until late Thursday it has been hard to write my presentation about using WKO+.  Dave and I are working to bring a portion of this presentation to all of the UT cyclists, so stay tuned for when you can come see more about it.


Also, I owe Ali Goulet a presentation on CX and training.  I had a bulk of the presentation written when the PC crashed BACK IN SEPT!  So I will be working on finishing it and trying to find a time/place to present it.  Albiet, it is post-season for most, but perhaps it can provide some insight into the 08 cx season...


more to follow




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